What I have felt, though, is the soul's helpless and hopeless yearning caused by ill-timed love. You know, when you inadvertently find yourself enveloped by complete adoration for someone who you believe likewise loves you and makes you feel incredibly special, yet you know that even wishing on the brightest star will not allow you to be together. You fool yourself for awhile, thinking....no, not thinking at all......knowing in your heart that if you continue to share this deep, pure, magical affection, something's gotta give. That if anyone is listening to your heart breaking, your soul praying, your body sobbing, then she will somehow rearrange the cosmic forces of the universe and make everything work out..... But rarely will we walk away from these experiences with a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of growth and appreciation...
UNLESS, of course, you are aware of the relationship as a learning experience, a necessary part of life that demonstrates the power of love to move your soul. A fire that has been lit beneath you to reiterate what you already knew, but maybe disregarded as a new-relationship phenomenon; namely, that this is how love feels in its purest form, this is what we search for and are encouraged not to settle-for-less-than. That these painful types of love are a way of renewing your faith in the possiblity of emotion so deep, your faith in love itself.....
"If I never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack. A glance from your eyes and my life will be yours." - The Thin Red Line
Damn, I hate being on the "we're just not compatible" end of things but it just seems to be the place I end up the most. I end up feeling like a schmuck and, worst of all, end up saying all those cliche-like things (that are really cliches because they're kind of true). Ew.
Good for people to know.
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